5 Tips for Winning at the Dating Game

Truthfully, to win in a dating game might not be as difficult as you thought, just get smart at applying the tips shared here.

Most times, people fall in love with players, people who are there for their selfish interest not regarding yours. It is quite disheartening being in a relationship where you aren’t loved, cherished, and respected, but yet, it is beautiful to know that you can get the situation to check and control it.

On UK.collected.reviews, relationship/dating experts shared their opinions about winning the dating game; their reviews are amazing and have gotten the most feedback from other reviewers. The tips shared here might also be of help on online dating, and how you can be an expert at winning at it.

1.     Be welcoming

A warm smile, good compliment, or a handshake will be great. Dating isn’t a sort of official meeting, so making it beautiful and fun will help you win. Don’t be too official or serious about everything, crack jokes, laugh it out, nobody enjoys a boring relationship. Well, you might feel you don’t want to be disrespected or someone stepping on you, lowering your self-esteem. But do you know if your partner is ready for a serious relationship? You have to loosen up, take it a bit less seriously and be simple, laugh when necessary, speak when necessary and joke when necessary. Make it friendly, relate like friends with little restrictions such as keeping away deep secrets from your partner. Be mindful not to create a scene or start-up unnecessary arguments.

2.     Understand you’re important

Being frank with you, putting yourself first and your needs is very important as a partner. To get your partner wanting to spend more happy moments with you, you need to quit seeing each other often, minimize the number of times you call, and be busy with your schedules. This leaves your partner with this notion “do you love me?” Of course, you do but there’s a need to create that strong yearning of your partner for you. This makes them appreciate the little you do better.

3.     Have a lot more to offer than your body

Yes, you heard that. Practically thinking you will win your partner with your sexy body, broad chest, a cute nose or beautiful/handsome face is a big joke. Be brave, highly intellectual, smart, and optimistic. Showcase some awesome talents in you, crazy business ideas, a beautiful view of the world, and great principles you keep. This makes you unique and prompts your partner to try exploring further. This keeps you winning as your partner might gain an insight into what they can achieve in you. How will you feel being a solution to their dreams or questions about life?

4.     Be generous; don’t be generous

To the guys reading this, be generous. To the lady reading this, you should be less generous. As a man, if you want to win the game, be generous. Buy her gifts, … Read More..

How Long Should Your Kids Be Spending Playing Games on Their Phones?

At What Age Should a Child Own a Smartphone?

Many games seem quite inevitable for kids to play from user suggestions on Collected.Reviews. These games have gained a tremendous rise in their engagement and promotion by many American kids.

Gaming is a primary part of life. However, there must be moderation in all things. And this is why some parents need to censor the time their kids spend gaming.

As a parent, you don’t need to be bottled by anxiety when you see your kid gaming without completing homework. You can establish limits to the time kids spend on games to avoid 24/7 gaming activities. There are different efficient strategies to achieve this from different customer feedback. However, some of the following are also primary:

  • Allow Gaming When the Child Complete Essential Responsibilities: This isn’t limited to household chores. It extends to homework and the activities that should be done before any leisure activity can start. Through this, a child could feel that he earned the time he spends playing a game.
  • You can Establish Clear Instructions on Your Sentiments about Gaming: Although the American Academy of Pediatrics advises that about 30 to 60 minutes should be offered for kids. On non-school days, they advise 2 hours or less. However, this rule isn’t applied to all kids. You must stop them when you find it essential, and you may even extend the duration when you find it essential. You can decide their screen on time and screen off time.
  • Create a Time Frame for Reassessment: After creating a rule, and your kids adhered to it, you can reevaluate such rule. You can institute a temporary change that will help them loosen up and enjoy their games more.
  • Create Possible Consequences for Flouting the Rules: When there are rules, there should be punishments to ascertain the severity of such rules. You can start by disallowing your kid his or her driver’s permit, or a license, or a stop to social media activities, or access to a phone for a week.
  • Know the Games They Play and Monitor Them: It is your responsibility as a parent to know the games your kids play in the house. If a game has sexual graphic content, it is a game that is against the establishment of morality and it should be banned in the house. Games that depict violence shouldn’t be accepted too. If you know the games they play, then you can maintain and track your child’s consistent start. Follow through each rule and monitor their activities from time to time.
  • Employ the Use of Other Recreational Activities: Games are good, but you can try physical activities that could enhance their development too. You can consider activities that’ll exercise their bodies or activities they are fond of. Through this, they’ll take some time off their phone. You’ll also be promoting the consciousness of physical activities which are healthy for mental and physical health wellbeing.

Through these tips, you can develop a healthy strategy to help track the time your kids … Read More..

Top 5 Free Online Video Games You Can Enjoy With Your Friends

8 Online Games To Play With Friends For A Virtual Hangout

Video games can be an interesting way to relax and have fun at the end of the day. It doesn’t matter if you’re a teen or adult, gaming online keeps you pretty much alert and makes you happy. They are even more interesting when played with friends.

For some, racing games are just the perfect leisure subscription. And for others, board games are all they desire. Whichever you choose, word puzzles or trivia, adventure or dress-up, you’ll feel so much better if you can enjoy them with your friends. But then it seems distance might be a barrier. Worry less, Britainreviews.co.uk has you covered with independent user reviews.

Judging from UK reviews about internet provider companies, here are five free online video games you can enjoy with your friends.

1. Skribbl.io

Skribbl.io is a browser game that allows you to draw with as many as 12 of your friends. all you need to do is to create a private room, then share the invite link with your friends. Once the game starts, players take turns drawing while the rest try to guess what the current player is drawing.

2. Scrabble Go

If you are a word fan, this is one game you are never going to get tired of playing. Just like in the classic board game, up to four players can play Scrabble Go. All you need to do is to download the app and have a swell experience landing double and triple word scores. Just make sure your opponents don’t play smarter.

3. Mario Kart Tour

Fans of racing are going to love this game that allows you to race against as many as seven other players in different places. With the competition getting as hot as it can get, it’s a race to the finish;  and you won’t want to finish last in any form of online gaming. You can easily download it on Google Play or App Store.

4. Psych!

This is a trivia game that requires manipulative skills. The idea is for you to deceive the other players into selecting a fake answer (made up by you) for real trivia questions. If you are able to get a friend into picking your made-up answer, you score a point. If you guess the correct answer despite being psyched by the other players, you get a point. Get your fellow lovers of trivia to psych! with you.

5. Kahoot!

Kahoot! deviates from the specifics of regular trivia to enable you to create and prioritize your own questions in the game. Your friends playing with you are to answer your trivia questions to win points, and you are to answer theirs to win. If you know your friends’ preferences, you stand a great chance of winning in Kahoot!

You can refuse to be bored while in this pandemic and at the same time, stay safe at home. Get all the fun you need by playing Psych! Scrabble Go, Kahoot! or Mario Kart Tour with your … Read More..

5 Reasons Why Console Gaming is Better than PC Gaming

6 Reasons PC Gaming Is Better Than Console Gaming | PCMag

The debate of whether it is better to play games on a console or a PC has raged on for years within the gaming world.

There are pros and cons when it comes to gaming with a console or a PC. You just have to decide the ones that matter the most to you and make your decision – a decision that will probably be in favor of the consoles, especially after the release of the playstation 5 consoles. It seems the consoles may be emerging as the potential victors after all.

Here are 5 reasons why console gaming is better than PC gaming:

1.    Purpose

One of the main reasons why console gaming is better than pc gaming is the very fact that consoles are created for the single purpose of gaming. Consoles are developed to make the gaming experience as good as possible, with every detail given attention to achieve this. This is a reason not to overlook getting the best consoles from credible stores on Reviewsbird.com to get the best gaming experience. PC being able to play some video games is a bonus feature – which means that it was never intended to be its primary function. This explains why many pc games lag but work fine on consoles. Even most games are often designed with consoles as the top priority and later ported over to PCs at a later date. When console games get ported to PCs, then you know not to expect much.

2.          Price

The prices for purchasing consoles may look more costly when compared with PC gaming at first. However, if you consider the cost of getting a PC that is capable of running games at a full capacity and purchasing the software required to run some games – this will probably cost more. Also, as newer generation consoles become available, the older versions become cheaper and more affordable. PCs on the other hand will generally remain around the same price bracket or are discontinued after a short time, and are replaced by newer models which are more expensive than the predecessors. You can check out some stores for buying consoles online.

3.          Convenience

Consoles are compatible with televisions so you can operate and play games with your friends when they come around from the comfort of your sofa. PCs on the other hand fall short in such scenarios as parties or when your friends come to hang out as you may probably don’t have more desk space for more than one keyboard and mouse.

4.          Accessibility

Many people prefer to own laptops because it is more portable compared to desktops. The result of this in gaming is that most laptops simply lack the technical capabilities to play high-quality video games that can rival those of a console. Running these games on such laptops may result in lagging. Consoles have also evolved to making handheld devices which makes playing games a breeze.


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How Coronavirus has Affected Video Games

Coronavirus has affected many facets of our lives since we have to remain indoors or avoid people as much as we can. Social and business aspects have been involved in many ways, and the video game industry is not left out. While the number of people playing video games has increased, developers and companies find it challenging to meet their targets.

People that have not been into video games can check out US-reviews to learn about the industry and the latest games. Here you can find reliable video game stores to purchase the latest games. However, there are challenges faced in the video game industry and the way to navigate these challenges, as shown below:

1.  Development of new games

Developers can no longer meet with their teams to develop new games or upgrade older versions because of the lockdown and restrictions. Which has hurt the industry as customers are getting eager for new upgrades that have been expected. However, developers can take advantage of the technology available to work from home and develop their games. With virtual and communication technology availability, developers can create a virtual workplace where they can work together.

2.  Promote events and other social function online

Before the Coronavirus, there have been openings, events, and other social functions that have been set aside to promote the release of video games. But with the restrictions on social gatherings, such events were not possible, and developers have lost out promoting their product. But they can take advantage of the number of online people due to the restrictions and promote their products online. Use social media and customer details to reach out to targeted audiences and promote your video games to the customers. Developers can promote live events online to promote and showcase their video games.

3.  Use online influencers

Developers have wondered how they will keep promoting their products when shops and businesses are closed. However, we can go with the latest trend in the booming online world. Since many people are at home and have lots of time, they are spending it online. So you can get influencers to promote your games, upgrade es, and other products online to your customers. Making use of influencers will enable you to reach out to more people and increase sales.

4.  Increase sales through online stores.

People usually go to video game stores to run tests, play games, and meet other gamers. However, the Coronavirus has made all these activities impossible and has reduced sales and awareness. But we can overcome these challenges by creating online stores and getting customers to order video games and have it delivered to them. This will crease sales as more people and get access to the latest game. Also, video game lovers can meet up on review platforms, share information about video games, and socialize on the forum. They can learn more about video games from other people’s experiences on the review platform.

The video game industry had to take the necessary step … Read More..