Final Fantasy 3

Action RPG
Few genres of games have had such a dedicated and enthusiastic audience, as that of Role Playing Games, and all this while never having been the most popular or top-selling genre. Final Fantasy VIII was an exhilarating experience that has earned its place on this list. Firstly, any RPG is a Role Paying Game, which is supposed to have a character, and a system of his development. The first RPG PC games offered a single player experience. As an experienced soldier, The Kid, I mean we players try to find and save all other survivors among monsters in different parts of the map.

Secondly, any decent RPG is based on some world (sometimes, realistic but more often-fantastic one). An adventure quest RPG can be either real time action or turn-based action. Please don’t hesitate to give any feed back on any information you might have on adventure quest RPG’s whether it be cheat or new games on the market any information would be much appreciated.

The best in the series with the possible exception of Suikoden II, Suikoden III tells the story of a huge cast of characters, all intricately entwined with one another. These were followed by (but did not always lead directly to) games on other platforms, such as Akalabeth (1980) (which gave rise to the well-known Ultima series), and Wizardry.

These two points have a great meaning, they allow the player to associate himself with a certain character and being in his shoes to go through the situations which are impossible in ordinary life. Dark Cloud 2, Final Fantasy X, the Shin Megami Tensei games and many more deserve recognition, but alas these are also long as hell, so if you had more than 5, when would you ever finish them.

Role Playing Games

Action RPG
It’s not a secret that table RPG games are not so popular as they used to be. However a certain number of amateurs are still fond of them. Also an encounter is usually turned based, in which a character performs an action per turn. In my opinion, this game is perfect for the player who wants to see some of the best the SNES had to offer in terms of RPGs. It is a typical turn based RPG with the player having control of over 15 playable characters each one with his or her own strengths and weaknesses and different fighting styles and stories to tell.

Having spent hours of my life in this game and knowing that I can go back whenever I want without fear of being destroyed because of the MMORPG laws of survival (never leave), this is a great pick up and play game in a genre where that almost never exists.

I imagine soon, with the release of the new Pokemon game, and the surprising announcement of Dragon Quest IX coming exclusively to the DS, the RPG options there will explode, but for now your best bet in the RPG realm on handhelds is with the Game Boy … Read More..