Best Roleplaying Games

Action RPG
Few genres of games have had such a dedicated and enthusiastic audience, as that of Role Playing Games, and all this while never having been the most popular or top-selling genre. Released as Final Fantasy III for the SNES in 1994, it is actually the 6th installment of the immensely popular Final Fantasy series produced by Squaresoft. Theoretically one could replay the game several times and have a very different experience. This one was equally as huge as its sequel, and had just as amazing graphics for its time.

The best selling and most popular game on the Playstation, Final Fantasy VII is not rare at all but very expensive still. The player can increase this number by buying backpacks from merchants that increment that maximum by 10 each time. It doesn’t strive for amazing storyline or gameplay, just simple hack and slash glory and it does it pretty well.

On the surface, Dissidia might look like a standard ‘beat ’em up’game, but like most of the games in the series, it’s far deeper than that. But not all the table games have such a disadvantage. Also, with all of the other characters in the game, the stories unfold rather nicely for each character.

The newest entry in the hugely popular (in Japan) Tales saga, Symphonia was a huge, fun, well told game. There are always ways to expand the difficulty of the game and make each play through a unique experience. Hailed as one of the best video games of all time, it’s no surprise that Final Fantasy VII sits atop this prestigious list.

Bastion Review, The Kid’s Story

Action RPG
If you enjoy indie games, I assume you do because you have no reason not to, Bastion is one of the greatest samples for that. 4. Jade Empire – Set in a fictional ancient China, Jade Empire comes from the makers of Knights of the Old Republic, and while not nearly as large in scope or length, the game utilizes an array of different combat styles and elements that make it sheer fun to play.

The game was not produced in large quantities but RPG fans love this game because it is fun and historic. Elderscrolls truly stretches the imagination in terms of open world RPG exploration and making a game that will take a long time to finish. There’s no fluff here, and the rebuild of the decades old RPG formula was all for the better, working for the complete and total betterment of the game and hopefully the series.

Because the game’s dialogue is text based, the music allows the player to get involved on a more emotional level with this game and the characters than many other games out at the time. The combat system follows a point-click system similar to other games in this genre, but allowing the player a lot of customizable scripts and tactics for each character to reduce micromanagement.

Video Games

What is an adventure quest RPG? This is if you want to obtain what is called a “complete” gaming experience meaning gathering all of the most powerful weapons, armor, and magic, and also leveling characters up to maximum levels. Each character is fully realized and a part of the action, their story an intricate part of the game.

Having spent hours of my life in this game and knowing that I can go back whenever I want without fear of being destroyed because of the MMORPG laws of survival (never leave), this is a great pick up and play game in a genre where that almost never exists.

Final Fantasy VIII had a lot to live up to. Its predecessor is regarded as one of the best games of all time, and everyone was expecting VIII to continue that trend. Other influences during this period were text adventures, Multiple-User Dungeons (MUDs) and roguelike games.

Dissidia Music

The RPG gaming world went ablaze when talk of Dragon Age’s release came closer. The player can rename all of the characters in the game including the ever present summons (called Espers in FFIII). The story, like any Atlus game is the real selling point and actually got me to play through it twice. Having a female as the main character in the game is a concept that was not used very much prior to Final Fantasy III.

Blending together the traditional elements of a Japanese RPG with the up-tempo pacing and styling of an action game, Square’s effort to make a dark and cinematically intriguing game was a resounding success. There are many plot twists that include cut scenes involving characters that allow the player to have a “real-time” feel with the story.

RPG PC Games

Action RPG
Few genres of games have had such a dedicated and enthusiastic audience, as that of Role Playing Games, and all this while never having been the most popular or top-selling genre. With rebuilt cinematics and PSP controls, this entry leads into the new PS2 game wonderfully and finally lets the rest of us play through Lenneth’s adventure. If you are a fan of the Final Fantasy series, a collector of vintage games, or a person who is interested in getting involved in the series but is worried about the complexity of the newer Final Fantasy titles, this game is for you.

The game is surprisingly difficult and unforgiving to new players, but for those who are up to the challenge, Vagrant Story offers an exhilarating gaming experience that has no duplicate on the PlayStation One. Konami and Disney teamed up to release a DDR game featuring Disney characters and songs.
Released as Final Fantasy III for the SNES in 1994, it is actually the 6th installment of the immensely popular Final Fantasy series produced by Squaresoft.